Friday, February 24, 2012

Magic Kingdom

Today we went to Disney's Magic Kingdom. Here's Ally getting ready with sun screen.

The weather is in the 80's, sunny and humid with a nice breeze most of the time......

but we managed to stay cool.

I had to include another picture of Ally today, I don't know what she's laughing at but it was so cute the way she kept wearing her sunglasses upside down. I guess they fit her better.

After about eight hours, we ended the night with Tinkerbell

Unfortunately the day wasn't without its mishaps. First off, Matt lost the keys to one of the two rental cars in the "It's a small world" ride, but Angie just happened to be behind him and grabbed them. Then someone STOLE (or mistakenly took) the double stroller Angie and Rob rented while we were eating lunch. (The park did replace it at no additional cost.) Then when we left the park, one of the rental cars wouldn't start. Ugh!!!!! Luckily Matt redeemed himself by finding the park staff to help jump start the car.

So I'll leave you tonight by sharing with you what all the staff at Disney's Magic Kingdom say..........

"Have a Magical Day!"

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